Kapitoly v monografiích

3. J. Dian, I. Jelínek, Porous silicon photoluminescence sensors of organic compounds, in Advances in Sensors: Reviews Vol. 6 Chemical Sensors and Biosensors (S.Y. Yurish, Ed.), 2018, 167-192.

2. M. Vácha, J. Pšenčík, F. Adamec, M. Ambrož, J. Dian, J. Boček, J. Komenda and J. Hála, Spectral hole burning study of photosystem II and of bacterial chlorosomes, in Research in Photosynthesis, Vol. I (N. Murata ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers 1992, 335-338.

1. J. Hála, J. Dian, O. Prášil, M. Vácha and K. Vacek, High resolved low temperature spectroscopy of photosynthetic systems, in Current Research in Photosynthesis (Ed. Baltscheffsky), Vol.II, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam 1990, 205‑208.